Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Zuban- aik azeem n'aimat


  1. MashaAllah a very thought provoking article which went straight to my heart because these days I have a strange illness in which my tongue gets swollen along the tip and edges which makes talking and eating very uncomfortable. But it has given me this awareness of how neglectful I have been for this wonderful blessing of Allah and the more I think about it the more I love Allah for giving us this miracle that such a small piece of flesh can produce such a variety of sounds and can express a vast range of feelings through its various tones... and to be able to taste and distinguish between hundreds of flavours... if we leave everything else and just give thanks for this blessing we can save ourselves from a lot of pain in this world as well as the hereafter.
    JazakAllah khairan for making me realize this even more than before!!

  2. jazaki Allah o kkhair for a very good article.
